Tuesday, August 30, 2022

magic of zero

Pleasure of being  zero.

Always consider yourself as zero. 
Like the purpose of a weighing machine is to measure weight. It weighs and then settles at 0. 
The purpose of a human being on this planet has been pre defined by almighty. 
Perform the duty and settle at zero.
We are here on this planet as a medium for communication and performance. Start and the end of life is at zero.
Zero has the power to destroy or amplify. 
Use the value and operation significantly in life. 
When we multiply by zero it eliminates everything and makes the end of entity. 
When we add zero it keeps the entity as same 
When we place it right it amplifies the value.

So be at zero and see it's magic. 

#livelife #rashkath

Monday, August 29, 2022

Set EAR in brain

Let us set EAR in our brain.
E - eliminate the negative vibes, thoughts, people, actions

A- absorb the good, words, views, vision and focus

R- reflect the best behaviour, kindness, mindfulness, empathy

#livelife #rashkath

Stay away from rat race of meaningless in life, for life.

law of attraction