Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Ultimate is in His hands

The ultimate is in His hands. Establish contact with God. He guides you, protects you, feeds you, takes care of you.... Whatever we all are able to do is all because of Him. Karmanye vadhikaraste ma faleshu kada chana.

His decision

It is His decision completely. We simply have to play role assigned. Work is worship!!

No one is perfect

No one is perfect but has at least one quality to appreciate. Isn't it?

Never think you are alone

Never think that you are alone. God is always there with you. Keep on working!!

Be positive

Remaining positive solves half of any problem. Tried and tested. Who is without any problem?

Keep on working

People who judge about yourself can say or comment as per their knowledge. Do not over react. It happens with everyone. Keep on working!!

Fight with your inner self

The most fruitful fight is fighting with your inner self and evolving as a better person.

Want to make your life interesting?

God asked.. Do you want to make your life interesting? Man said... Of course Yes!! God's reply... Think about what positives you have. Feel good about it. Accept your negatives as challenges. Overcome it. I am there with you, if you are working on yourself. God bless!!

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

People in your life

All types of people walk into your life. They may have good things to appreciate and bad things to learn from. Experiences in life enrich our mind with thoughts which helps in deciding our next step.

law of attraction